2017…Under construction

It’s funny how quickly people become experts on self-help, self-improvement and life coaching when a new year rolls around. Everyone has advice: make resolutions, don’t make resolutions, embrace your true self, reinvent yourself, start from scratch, build from your foundation, etc.

Here’s my advice: Do you.

Whatever that is – just own it. Yes, we all need improvements, we all have flaws – I have only read about one perfect soul, but have yet to meet any.So don’t strive for perfection. Strive for satisfaction. Strive for peace.

I have only made one resolution for this year: Be better. Be a better person. Be a better listener. Be a better mother. Be a better advocate. Do I know what that will all entail? Nope. But as I say in the title, it’s under construction. And so am I.


I feel short in this pic…and I’m not. But Scooter is now officially a teenager. His heart is as big as his feet. And he’s not afraid to be himself. I’m taking lessons.

I can tell you a few things that I am going to try to be done with: settling, procrastinating, complaining. But that comes with my resolution. To just be better.

That doesn’t mean I’m striving for fame or fortune, nor am I out to conquer the world. I’m just working towards a better me. Which will hopefully lead to other improvements that set me up for success.

I’m actually excited about 2017. I won’t lie that the last year was a tough one. But I’m already better because of it. I can survive some pretty challenging moments. And I’m stronger now than what I was a year ago. So I’m grateful for the challenges. And it’s time to implement some changes so that I’m not constantly coming up against the same challenges again and again. I may drop some baggage. Clear the clutter – in my house, my head and my heart.

But that’s just me doing me.

How about you? Are you a resolution-type? Or are you just going to make sure that 2017 is the best year yet!

The new me

In the last year or so, I’ve tried to make some changes in my life. I’ve been working on a healthier, better-feeling me. I’ve been working on feeling more in control of my life. I’ve been working on finishing projects that I started long ago.

Here’s exhibit A, the photo I used for my article in local papers:

This is me...two years ago. Photo credits to my 4-year-old (at the time).

This is me…two years ago. Photo credits to my 4-year-old (at the time).

Well, just this week I posted a new profile pic, as well as submitted it for publication:

This is also me. A little lighter, a lot busier, and on the way to healthier.

This is also me. A little lighter, a lot busier, and on the way to healthier.

The response was a little daunting, and a lot unnerving. But it made me realize one important fact: how I feel about myself clearly reflects in how I carry myself. (Yeah, I know, not rocket science.)

And so earlier this week I started on another challenge (this all started with a challenge a year ago). I’m working on a healthier me by Mother’s Day. Seems appropriate, since most of what I do is pretty well driven by how my choices will affect those four amazing men in my life.

But here’s a few things I’ve quickly picked up on in the few short days I’ve kicked my exercise into gear again:

  1. I’m not sure who invented jump squats and burpees, but I’m pretty certain that they would have failed psychological evaluation.
  2. Never do an intense leg workout prior to checking cows. And if you do, make sure you have a back up plan to get back to the house. Like a motorized scooter, or someone willing to carry you. I’m not saying I had to resort to crawling, but let’s just say that if I did, it was only because the other option was sleeping in the barn.
  3. Doing above leg workout and then sitting at a desk the next day for several hours is not such a great idea. It’s a good thing I was alone in the office today. I may or may not have used my rolling office chair to get from area to area.
  4. You know it was a good workout when you drop a sugar snap pea on the floor and decide to leave it. And hey, if it sprouts, that’s just more veggies for me later. Right?
  5. Tonight was arms and abs. By Friday I will be comatose and unable to move on my own accord.
  6. Why do these videos have to show a 5’9″ 130-pound fitness expert who tells you how much they’re “feeling the burn?” All while looking cute and put together. Why can’t it be someone who looks like me, who tells you the truth? Like, “I know you think you might die, and I can’t promise that you won’t, but you just burned off two slices of bacon.”
  7. The pain is worth the gain…I know that. In my head, it all makes sense. I just have to convince my body to follow through. And not fall apart. 🙂
  8. You know it was a good workout when using the bathroom requires a walker, the use of safety bars and a call-button, in case you’re incapable of getting back up. Seriously. I considered getting a catheter. (Just kidding. Just kidding. Kinda.)
  9. The best part of all? I’m not on any diet. Just being sensible, letting my body dictate what I need and paying attention to needs/wants. Let’s see how this goes, shall we?
  10. SOFTBALL! The 2014 season should start in about two months. My goal is to be able to get one over the fence this year. I’ve been close. Let’s see if I can do it!

    I've been playing softball for about 20 years now. Yikes. That's a long time. But no plans to quit...until I can't.

    I’ve been playing softball for about 20 years now. Yikes. That’s a long time. But no plans to quit…until I can’t.

Don’t worry, it really hasn’t been THAT bad. Although, I really am really sore. It’ll get better, I know it. And it’ll be worth it, I know it.

And when it’s all said and done, I’ll post another picture. 🙂