2017…Under construction

It’s funny how quickly people become experts on self-help, self-improvement and life coaching when a new year rolls around. Everyone has advice: make resolutions, don’t make resolutions, embrace your true self, reinvent yourself, start from scratch, build from your foundation, etc.

Here’s my advice: Do you.

Whatever that is – just own it. Yes, we all need improvements, we all have flaws – I have only read about one perfect soul, but have yet to meet any.So don’t strive for perfection. Strive for satisfaction. Strive for peace.

I have only made one resolution for this year: Be better. Be a better person. Be a better listener. Be a better mother. Be a better advocate. Do I know what that will all entail? Nope. But as I say in the title, it’s under construction. And so am I.


I feel short in this pic…and I’m not. But Scooter is now officially a teenager. His heart is as big as his feet. And he’s not afraid to be himself. I’m taking lessons.

I can tell you a few things that I am going to try to be done with: settling, procrastinating, complaining. But that comes with my resolution. To just be better.

That doesn’t mean I’m striving for fame or fortune, nor am I out to conquer the world. I’m just working towards a better me. Which will hopefully lead to other improvements that set me up for success.

I’m actually excited about 2017. I won’t lie that the last year was a tough one. But I’m already better because of it. I can survive some pretty challenging moments. And I’m stronger now than what I was a year ago. So I’m grateful for the challenges. And it’s time to implement some changes so that I’m not constantly coming up against the same challenges again and again. I may drop some baggage. Clear the clutter – in my house, my head and my heart.

But that’s just me doing me.

How about you? Are you a resolution-type? Or are you just going to make sure that 2017 is the best year yet!

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