Winter Wednesday

Thought I’d just share a few pics from the ice storm we had last week. It meant that we were without power for a few days, but grateful to have a generator that we hooked up less than 24 hours into the outage. Those lineman for our co-op are AMAZING!

What’s your favorite part of winter?

Spring in North Dakota

So glad that April is here…I’m getting the gardening bug. So I thought I’d go out and get some things ready today. Want to come along?

shoveling snow in winter

First, I checked my garden path. Making sure it was ready to go. Check.

snow drifts in winter

Went to get my gardening tools. I keep them in the shop. Good thing I have them ready to go! Check.

The tulips in front of the house are almost ready to bloom! Hopefully the sun will convince them to open up. Check.

The tulips in front of the house are almost ready to bloom! Hopefully the sun will convince them to open up. Check.

geese flying in winter

Even the geese are confused. They came north, now thinking about going south, and settled on southwest instead.

I am more than ready for spring…now if spring would just show up.